© UNFCCC5 May 2009: The UNFCCC Secretariat has released the US Input to the Negotiating Text for Consideration at the Sixth Session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention (AWG-LCA 6), in which it supports a Copenhagen agreed outcome that “reflects both common and differentiated elements, is pragmatic, and recognizes the diversity of countries’ circumstances and opportunities,” and expresses its commitment to reaching a strong international agreement in Copenhagen. The submission contains sections on mitigation, adaptation, technology and financing.

In a press conference given at UN Headquarters in New York, US, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon was asked about the significance of the US proposal in terms of the likelihood of reaching an agreement at the climate change conference in Copenhagen in December 2009 and whether he was disappointed that it did not contain any specific numerical goal for the US to cut emissions by a certain date. Ban replied that in general he is “very encouraged by the very proactive and constructive and forthcoming position and attitude of the US Administration” in addressing the issue of climate change issue.
He said that, by convening the Major Economies Forum in April, US President Obama had shown that climate change is one of his Administration’s priorities. He stressed the importance of domestic measures taken within the US and for developed countries to set a target for the midterm by 2020. Recognizing that the US proposal “is not sufficient still,” Ban added that it constitutes “a good step,” and encouraged the US to take more concrete and bolder initiatives. He recalled that the EU had also taken a leadership role and that major developing countries should “be ready to take some mitigation actions among themselves.” [US submission] [UN press release]