25 May 2010: UNFCCC Executive Secretary Yvo de Boer briefed the press about his expectations for the upcoming climate change talks scheduled to take place in Bonn, Germany, from 31 May-11 June 2010, and the status of the UN climate change process.

He said the upcoming negotiations will be “on track” if they “keep focused on a common way forward towards a concrete and realistic goal in Cancun.” He noted a growing consensus on this goal, namely “a full, operational architecture to implement effective, collective climate action.” Recognizing that the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference has not delivered what had been hoped for, de Boer underlined that the mandate of the AWG-LCA had been extended and that in Bonn, it will discuss new text prepared by the Chair that integrates parts of the Copenhagen Accord. He encouraged governments to clarify the future of the Kyoto Protocol, and underlined that Cancun can “deliver if promises of help are kept and if promises to compromise are honoured.” He outlined three priority issues: getting promised money moving to fast-track action; wrapping up an implementation package in good time; and building political leadership to answer outstanding political questions. [De Boer’s Speaking Notes]