Yvo De Boer4 November 2009: UNFCCC Executive Secretary Yvo de Boer addressed the Climate Group, in Barcelona, Spain, under the theme “Implementing Copenhagen: business and regional government in a new low carbon world.”
He emphasized that a successful outcome in Copenhagen requires an unprecedented level of cooperation between countries as well as between different levels of governments and the private sector.
De Boer highlighted the economic crisis as a “unique window of opportunity” to shift the world energy sector onto a 450 ppm carbon dioxide equivalent scenario, emphasizing the need for the right policies and measures to facilitate this. He stated that Copenhagen needs to create the basis for a legal and policy framework to enable a transition to a global green economy and to adapt to the adverse impacts of climate change. Highlighting the political deliverables required for a successful Copenhagen outcome, he noted that the private sector has regularly called for ambitious emission reduction targets in order to make investments with confidence and emphasized the need to fully involve the private sector in the implementation of a Copenhagen deal. De Boer expressed confidence that “Copenhagen would deliver” and create new opportunities for the private sector. [The Speech]