26 April 2009: Yvo de Boer, Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC, addressed an informal gathering of Ministers of Finance and Development in Washington, DC, US. On the climate change talks in Copenhagen, he said that “policy clarity will provide the necessary impetus for up-coming investments to be directed into environmentally sound technologies, rather than infrastructure that will soon be obsolete.”

He stressed the importance of an equitable governance structure for finances under a Copenhagen agreed outcome, which he said should respond to the needs of developing countries. On the issue of linking governance of international financial institutions with governance structures under a new climate regime, he said one possible way could entail developing countries recognizing nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs) and national adaptation programmes of action (NAPAs) as vehicles to control the direction of financial support, and existing institutions could continue to be used for channeling resources. De Boer stressed that “the key is that measurable, reportable and verifiable support is given to NAMAs, as well as to NAPAs, in line with guidance provided by the [Conference of the Parties] COP.” [The speech]