UNESCO IOC30 April 2014: The 9th International Scientific Symposium of the Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC) has adopted a Joint Directors’ Statement in line with the meeting’s theme, ‘A Healthy and Safe Ocean for Prosperity in the Indo-Pacific Region.’ Eighteen directors of marine research institutes signed the statement at a one-day open-ended Research Directors’ Forum held during the symposium, which convened 45 representatives and experts from scientific, academic, and operational organizations to advance collaboration on marine observations in the region.

The Joint Directors’ Statement calls for urgent action to establish an Indo-Pacific Ocean Observation Services Network (IPON) and Scientific Steering Committee (SC-IPON), and the creation of a regional marine science training and research network. It further urges heightened recognition from member States of UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), regional leadership, and decision makers of the need to establish IPON. The Statement also calls for increased assistance to developing nations in the Indo-Pacific region, in particular, Small Island Developing States (SIDS), as well as continued observations and research into anthropogenic impacts on vulnerable ecosystems.

In addition to the Research Directors’ Forum, the symposium included lectures, sessions, and workshops on four themes: understanding ocean processes; ensuring marine biodiversity, food safety and security; maintenance of ocean health; and cross-cutting and emerging issues. Other highlights included the presentation of five WESTPAC Outstanding Scientists 2014 Awards for long-term dedication to regional marine science development and cooperation in the region. Five WESTPAC Best Young Scientists also received recognition and encouragement for future work supporting the sustainable use of ocean and coastal resources.

Nearly 600 marine scientists participated in the symposium, titled ‘A Healthy Ocean for Prosperity in the Western Pacific: Scientific Challenges and Possible Solutions,’ which took place from 22-25 April 2014 in Nha Trang, Viet Nam. UNESCO’s IOC established WESTPAC in 1989 to develop, coordinate and implement regionally specific marine scientific research, ocean observations and services, and to implement the IOC global programs and activities in the region. [UNESCO Press Release] [IOC-WESTPAC Press Release] [Joint Statement of the Research Directors]