UNESCO9 May 2012: The UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education held a regional high-level expert meeting to initiate discussions regarding the future of education for the Asia-Pacific region in the post-2015 era. Meeting participants addressed remaining gaps and new challenges to address before the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Education for All (EFA) conclude in 2015.

The meeting “Towards EFA 2015 and Beyond – Shaping a new Vision of Education,” which was held in cooperation with the Korean National Commission for UNESCO and UNICEF Regional Offices, took place from 9-11 May 2012, in Bangkok, Thailand. Participants debated developments trends, gaps and challenges for education, and provided recommendations for the future of education in the Asia-Pacific. The meeting brought together high-level representatives and experts from research think tanks, ministries, UN and international development organizations, regional organizations, UNESCO National Commissions and NGOs.

Key conclusions from the meeting include that: EFA remains an unfinished agenda in the region and requires strengthened efforts; EFA is of continued relevance, yet there is a need to go beyond current EFA goals by addressing learning, equity and quality of education; broader socioeconomic development and challenges must be reflected in discussions on the future of education; and there is a need for both an education-specific development agenda beyond 2015 and explicit reference to education in all global agendas. [UNESCO Press Release] [Meeting Website]