1 June 2012: The UN Environment Programme (UNEP)/GRID-Arendal Marine Programme has released the May 2012 edition of its newsletter (Marine Newsletter #5), including an update on the UNEP Shelf Programme and its project on training and capacity building for West African coastal States, and a map of world fisheries and marine nutrition.
According to the newsletter, the UNEP Shelf Programme’s training and capacity building for the six West African Coastal States on the establishment of the outer limits of the continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles is being complemented with geoscientific data from the West African Continental margin. The newsletter notes that the Gardline’s MV Sea Surveyor has successfully acquired data offshore all six coastal States, covering a total distance of over 34,500 kilometres. The data will be made available to technical experts from each of the participating countries for analysis.
The newsletter also highlights a map titled “Green Economy in a Blue World – World Marine Fishery and Nutrition,” showing the relationship between nutrition in the form of fish protein, aquaculture and marine fishery production around the world. [Publication: UNEP/GRID-Arendal Marine Newsletter #5]