un-redd-unep23 March 2013: The UN Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (UN-REDD) reported plans by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) International Resource Panel to prepare a study on REDD+ and the green economy.

The study will examine how REDD+ can achieve benefits for forests, climate change and green growth based on pilot projects in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Key questions to be addressed in the report include how can REDD+ support the transition to the green economy, deliver multiple benefits and address unsustainable forest management practices. The paper will also consider how REDD+ could take up issues related to climate change adaptation, the delivery of ecosystem services, the landscape approach and ecosystem resilience.

The report will also propose models and tools to support REDD+ decision-making, identify additional research needs, suggest ways to enhance collaboration, and provide concrete steps to enhance synergies between REDD+ and green growth.

The publication will be developed by a multi-disciplinary expert working group and will be based, in part, on the outcomes of the Global Symposium on REDD+ in a Green Economy, which will meet the 19 to 21 June in Jakarta, Indonesia. [UN-REDD Press Release] [Publication: REDD+ in a Green Economy: Draft Study Proposal for the International Resource Panel]