UNEPApril 2013: The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Regional Office for Africa (ROA) announced the ROA Ozone Protection Award for Customs and Enforcement Officers in the African region. Applications for the award, which contributes to raising awareness about the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer and promotes cooperation between Customs Units and National Ozone Units, should be submitted by 31 August 2013.

The award aims to recognize outstanding contributions by Customs and Enforcement Officers who have successfully prevented illegal trade in ozone-depleting substances (ODS). According to UNEP ROA, illegal trade in ODS, as well as equipment containing ODS, continues to be of serious concern to many parties to the Montreal Protocol. It says that ODS smuggling reduces incentives for users to shift to non-ODS alternatives, including energy-efficient and climate friendly refrigerants, thereby undermining the achievements of the Montreal Protocol.

Through the award, UNEP ROA recognizes the key role of Customs and Enforcement Officers in monitoring and controlling the trade in ODS, and therefore to the implementation of the Montreal Protocol. The monetary prize is also intended to act as an incentive for officers. [UNEP ROA Competition Guidelines] [Ozone in Africa Webpage]