UNEP Logo30 April 2015: The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) launched its District Energy in Cities initiative in the European and Central Asian region during a workshop co-hosted with the World Bank’s International Finance Corporation (IFC). At the workshop, several countries and cities committed to meeting climate change targets through modern district energy systems.

Cities that signed onto the initiative at the launch were: Banja Luca, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Belgrade, Serbia; and Warsaw, Poland. Additionally, Croatia and Kosovo committed to the initiative. The workshop also served to kick-off collaboration between IFC and UNEP on district energy.

Through cooperation and experience-sharing among cities, the private sector and various multilateral institutions, the initiative will assist cities and their utilities in modernizing their district heating and cooling, which has the potential to greatly reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and improve energy security. According to the recent UNEP report ‘District Energy in Cities: Unlocking the Potential of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy,’ a transition to modern district energy could contribute 58% of the required energy sector emissions reductions by 2050 and enable cities and countries to achieve 100% renewable energy or carbon neutral targets.

On the margins of the workshop, held in Tallinn, Estonia, on 30 April 2015, IFC presented its regional study, titled ‘Private Sector Participation in District Heating,’ which examines ways to create an attractive investment environment for private financing of district heating improvements in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Serbia, Mongolia and Ukraine. In addition, Helsinki was awarded the Fourth Global District Energy Climate Award at the workshop. [UNEP Press Release] [UNEP District Energy in Cities Initiative Website] [IISD RS Story on UNEP District Energy Report]