The latest special session of the UN Environment Programme’s Governing Council has considered energy and climate change issues as a contribution to the upcoming session of the Commission on Sustainable Development.

The Council has also discussed environmental governance and approved an agreement on international chemicals management. UNEP’s ninth Special Session of its Governing Council and Global Ministerial Environment Forum took place from 7-9 February 2006 in Dubai. The Council session immediately followed the International Conference on Chemicals Management, which concluded negotiations on a “strategic approach to international chemicals management” (SAICM). UNEP’s Governing Council endorsed the chemicals management framework, while also taking up energy issues, tourism, and international environmental governance. Discussion on governance focused in particular on the question of universal membership of the Governing Council and the proposal by France and the EU to transform UNEP into a UN Environmental Organization. However, no agreement was reached as differences on this issue persisted. The meeting was Klaus Töpfer’s last as UNEP Executive Director.
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