UNEP28 November 2011: The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Division of Environmental Policy Implementation (DEPI) has circulated a series of Ecosystem Services Economics Working Papers. The Papers, which are not formal publications of UNEP, aim to reflect the broad range of research activities on economics of ecosystem services, and to encourage discussion on ecosystem services economics among economists, scientists and policy makers.

Topics of the Working Papers include: the relationship between equity and efficiency in payments for environmental services; making payments for ecosystem services (PES) work; valuing ecosystem services; managing trade-offs; a critical assessment of the ecosystem service framework; accounting for regulating services; valuation of ecosystem services in coastal ecosystems; European forests and carbon sequestration services; institution and ecosystem functions; cost-benefit analysis in the context of ecosystem services for human well-being; the precautionary principle and global environmental change; and the provision of, and paying for, international environmental public goods. [UNEP DEPI Website]