20 February 2013: In an effort to facilitate a market shift towards energy-efficient, off-grid lighting, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) has announced a strategic partnership with the Global Off-Grid Lighting Association (GOGLA). The partnership will launch an international effort to accelerate the deployment of enabling policies towards sustainable off-grid lighting to improve energy access and reduce energy poverty.

According to UNEP, the partnership aims to reduce carbon emissions, currently estimated at 74 million tons annually, from fossil fuel-based light sources used in developing countries. To underscore the new partnership, the UNEP-led en.lighten initiative has unveiled national assessments on the economic and environmental gains that can be achieved through a shift to solar-powered alternatives for 80 countries.

GOGLA acts as the industry advocate for the distribution of clean, quality lighting systems to replace fossil fuel-based lighting. It is a not-for-profit association created to promote lighting solutions that benefit society and business in developing counties. [UNEP Press Release] [UN Press release] [en.Lighten Country Lighting Assessments Website]