12 November 2010: The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) has announced a EUR2.49 million project funded by the German International Climate Initiative to support India’s efforts in aligning transport growth with the country’s climate change agenda.

Supported by UNEP, the project comprises two key interventions: the development of a national action plan for low-carbon transport and the design of low-carbon mobility plans for four cities across India. According to UNEP, outcomes of the national low-carbon transport action plan will include: the development of sustainability indicators; an assessment of transport sector emissions and projections of future emissions to 2050; and policy recommendations and a road map for the development of a sustainable transport system, including the identification of technology and financial needs and international cooperation options. The cities component of the project will produce a methodology for developing low-carbon mobility plans and identify appropriate infrastructure and technology options for emissions reduction and climate change adaptation measures.

The German International Climate Initiative, the primary funder of the project, aims to support partner countries in establishing climate-friendly economic structures that reduce greenhouse gas emissions where possible. Potential activities include increasing energy efficiency, expanding renewable energies, capacity building and policy advice in the partner country. [UNEP Press Release]