13 June 2012: The UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the UN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) held a Joint Wood Energy Enquiry capacity building workshop to provide information on wood energy in the UNECE region to address information gaps through dialogue with stakeholders in wood energy.

The meeting drew on studies that demonstrated that wood is a much more common source of energy than estimated and the source of 50% of renewable energy consumption in the UNECE region. The meeting sought to place wood in the context of European energy policies, which seek to increase the share of renewable energy.

The meeting, which took place in Paris, France, from 11-13 June 2012, addressed, inter alia: energy statistics – their role in policy and decision-making; overview of the Joint Wood Energy Inquiry – development, purpose, structure and results; national case studies; and tools for energy statistics. [Publication: Joint Wood Energy Enquiry Manual 2011] [Workshop Website]