unece_belarus7 October 2016: The UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the State Committee on Science and Technology (SCST) of Belarus presented the findings and recommendations of a pilot national Innovation for Sustainable Development Review for Belarus. The review examined progress made in innovation performance, including green innovation in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Among other findings, the review underscores the role of inter-ministerial coordination and multi-stakeholder consultations in public policy making to achieve the SDGs.

The results of the review provide a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the factors that determine innovation performance, and provides recommendations on fostering innovation for sustainable development in Belarus’ national economy. Among key changes Belarus has taken to promote innovation for sustainable development, it highlights: including measures to enhance innovation in its national strategy for sustainable development; changing its legislation to encourage the commercialization of intellectual property; and centralizing innovation funds.

UNECE will collaborate with the SCST of Belarus and other stakeholders to implement the policy recommendations resulting from the review. Speaking at the peer review workshop in Minsk, Belarus, on 6 October 2016, Andrey Kosovski, SCST, said the review will help Belarus to “better align innovation policies with the UN agenda for Sustainable Development until 2030.”

UNECE has also undertaken Innovation Performance Reviews in Armenia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Ukraine. [UNECE Press Release]