Bom Khola Power HouseApril 2010: The UN Development Programme (UNDP), through its Rural Energy Development Programme (REDP), has supported a joint venture of the Alternative Energy Promotion Centre of the Government of Nepal, in collaboration with the World Bank and local communities, to establish a 100 kw Bom Khola micro hydro plant.
The generation of electricity has significantly contributed to the economy and lives of people in Lukla, whose main source of income is tourism. The project is the largest system built and owned by a local community in Nepal. The power plant was commissioned in June 2008 and provides electricity to about 193 households, many of which have converted their dwellings into hotels and lodges. The expanded access to electricity has reduced deforestation as people do not have to cut trees for firewood. There are plans to expand the work to generate electricity in two adjoining Village Development Committees with the support from the UNDP’s REDP. [UNDP Nepal Website] [UNDP Nepal Bulletin]