UNDPApril 2013: The UN Development Programme’s (UNDP) Environment and Energy Group (EEG) has released a report, titled ‘Towards Transformational Change: UNDP’s Work in Environment and Sustainable Development 2008-2012.’ The publication features a collection of stories from around the world in four strategic areas: mainstreaming environment and energy; mobilizing environmental finance; promoting adaptation to climate change; and expanding access to environmental and energy services for the poor.

Through these stories, UNDP aims to illustrate how its assistance and partnerships support transformational change and equitable, inclusive and sustainable growth.

Adaptation stories describe: adopting national climate change policy in Nigeria, as part of the Africa Adaptation Programme (AAP); reducing farmer and pastoralist vulnerability in Sudan through drought resistant seeds and water harvesting techniques; and reducing Bhutan’s glacial lake flood risk. UNDP’s total climate change expenditures increased 300% between 2008-2011, according to the publication.

Energy stories illustrate: an energy efficiency programme in Croatia that reduced public energy spending; an electricity programme that empowered Nicaraguan communities; and an urban transportation programme in Sri Lanka that addressed air pollution. Each programme also reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

The publication highlights sample results in each area. For instance, the mainstreaming environment and energy section includes results related to: access to clean and renewable energy; biodiversity and ecosystem management; chemicals and hazardous wastes; drylands management; and water supply and sanitation.

The last chapter proposes future strategies for UNDP’s work, including an integrated approach that incorporates capacity development, conflict and risk prevention, environment, gender, governance and poverty reduction and an inclusive approach that supports countries in achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and defining the post-2015 development agenda. It also emphasizes continued efforts on, inter alia: developing government capacity to implement Green, Low-Emission, Climate Resilient Development Strategies (LECRDS); and supporting the Sustainable Energy for All Initiative (SE4ALL) objectives. [Publication: Towards Transformational Change]