UNDP19 April 2015: The UN Development Programme (UNDP) in the former Yugoslav Republic (fYR) of Macedonia hosted a Climate Change Innovation Camp as the culmination of the country’s first nationwide climate change campaign. During the three-day camp, the ten finalists in the campaign pitched their ideas, which focused on reducing human impact on the climate and increasing urban resilience. The winning two teams will receive US$10,000 to realize their ideas.

The winners, selected by a jury of experts, were Team 1 and Team 8. The former is creating a means of charging phones, laptops and other mobile devices using electricity generated with shoes and bicycles, while the latter will use humor and the internet to raise awareness about alternative forms of transportation through a series of videos.

Other ideas presented involved: ‘Eco Taxis’; solar collectors and billboards; solar cooling devices; re-using shower water for flushing toilets; using smartphones to create reminders for shutting off lights and optimizing heating and cooling; a smart app for carpooling; ‘climate cafés’; and green roofs and facades.

During the camp, which took place from 17-19 April 2015, in Skopje, fYR Macedonia, all ten finalist teams received expert technical advice to further develop their proposals. The campaign was launched in December 2014 and received over 130 submissions. [UNDP Storify] [UNDP Press Release]