UNDP30 October 2011: The UN Development Programme (UNDP) has released the seventh issue of its Climate Change Adaptation Bulletin, which reports on the announcement by the Government of Australia to contribute Aus$7.35 million to finance the Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change (PACC) Initiative, implemented by the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP).

The Climate Change Adaptation Bulletin is a quarterly publication that provides an overview of the technical assistance from the Environmental Finance Services Unit of UNDP’s Environment and Energy Group to countries at the national, sub-national and community-levels.

This edition reports on the launch by UNDP of the publication titled “Blending Climate Finance Through National Climate Funds: A Guidebook for the Design and Establishment of National Funds to Achieve Climate Change Priorities.” The Guidebook aims to assist national and sub-national decision makers and experts to understand the key elements of designing an effective National Climate Fund.

The Bulletin also features stories on initiatives carried out by UNDP’s Communities, Livelihoods and Markets Team in Bangladesh, Tanzania, Cape Verde, Jamaica, Kazakhstan, Namibia, Mekong countries, and small island developing States (SIDS). The projects cover a variety of issues, including: coastal afforestation; water resrouces management; participatory processes for vulenrability assessment; reducing erosion and land-slide risk through sustainable agriculture; and adaptation of agricultural practices to itensified aridity. [Publication: UNDP Climate Change Adaptation Bulletin – Issue No. 7, October 2011]