RIO+20March 2012: The Secretariat of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20) has posted information concerning side events during the Third Rio+20 Preparatory Committee Meeting (PrepCom III) and the conference itself, and also provided a form for Major Groups to apply for exhibitions and events in the Racetrack area, outside the main conference center, during Rio+20.

On-site side events sponsored by governments, Major Groups, the UN and other intergovernmental organizations will be held during PrepCom III, the “Four Days of Dialogue on Sustainable Development” and Rio+20. These side events will take place inside RioCentro Convention Center and will be coordinated by the UNCSD Secretariat. Stakeholders will also be able to organize events outside RioCentro Convention Center in various venues in the City of Rio de Janeiro. [Rio+20 News]