UNCCD logo27 February 2015: The web-based Capacity Building Market Place of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) is facilitating a short online course for UNCCD Science and Technology Correspondents (STCs) ahead of the fourth special session of the Committee on Science and Technology (CST S-4) and the UNCCD 3rd Scientific Conference, which will open in Cancun, Mexico, on 9 March 2015.

The e-learning course is designed to strengthen the capacity of STCs who are responsible for providing support to National Focal Points on scientific matters related to the implementation of the Convention. Among other issues, the course will explore the overall theme of the UNCCD 3rd Scientific Conference, which is to “better anticipate the impact of climate change on land degradation and desertification in order to facilitate and promote appropriate adaptation.” The course commenced on 2 March 2015. [UNCCD News]