The UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) has published a briefing note titled, ‘Land Degradation Neutrality for Water Security and Combatting Drought’ that investigates the water-related approaches countries use to achieve land degradation neutrality (LDN), in line with the 2030 Agenda. The note draws its analysis from 77 national reports provided by countries participating in the UNCCD-led LDN Target Setting Programme (TSP), and 17 reports from countries participating in the UNCCD Drought Initiative.

The briefing groups water-related interventions into five categories: Integrated land and water management; Improved management of water resources; Increased water-use efficiency; An enabling environment; and Measures related to wetlands and aquatic ecosystems. It finds that a majority of countries acknowledge the interdependence between LDN, water security and drought mitigation, and in assessing the country actions under the five categories, it provides examples of actions from Bhutan, Bolivia, China, Egypt, Jordan, Mauritius, Nepal, and Rwanda.  

The briefing note concludes with seven recommendations to:

  • Continue to mainstream the land-water linkage into relevant national policies and strategies;
  • Establish and build national capacities in the monitoring of water resources, including wetlands;
  • Implement land and water conservation approaches and take water management decisions at the appropriate levels;
  • Improve water-use efficiency by using all available methods for all uses;
  • Ensure the interaction between the national focal points for the three Rio Conventions;
  • Further incorporate LDN policies and integrated land and water strategies during the next review of the UNFCCC Nationally Determined Contributions; and
  • Explore climate funding as an essential source of funding, complemented with national funding sources.

The UNCCD released the briefing note in coordination with World Water Day 2020, which focused on the linkages between water and climate change. [Publication: Land Degradation Neutrality for Water Security and Combatting Drought] [UNCCD Briefing Note Landing Page] [UNCCD Press Release]