The co-facilitators for the declaration on the UN’s 75th anniversary have circulated a revised draft for Member States’ consideration. The revision makes several changes in the section containing 12 commitments to action, including new references to human rights, terrorism, and sustainable financing.

Co-facilitators Alya Ahmed bin Saif Al-Thani, Permanent Representative of Qatar, and Anna Karin Enestrom, Permanent Representative of Sweden, shared the revision on 5 June 2020. They noted that the text incorporates input provided by Member States during virtual consultations on 22 May 2020 and in subsequent written comments.

In the list of actions, instead of “we will work to ensure peace and security,” the commitment reads, “we will promote peace and prevent conflicts.” The paragraph notes the need to respect rules governing the use of force, and it identifies terrorism as one of the most critical threats to international peace and security.

Instead of “we will abide by international rules and norms,” the revision commits Member States to “abide by international law and ensure justice.” It specifies that countries will not abide not only by their international agreements but also by the commitments they have made. It also adds a reference to promoting respect for human rights.

A commitment to ensure financing has been changed to ensuring “sustainable financing,” and the paragraph commits leaders to enhancing transparency, accountability and efficient use of resources. 

Delegations were expected to hold a consultation to discuss the revised text on 8 June 2020. [Revised zero draft