UN Women21 December 2012: UN Women has launched a chart tracking progress towards gender equality in achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), finding that much more needs to be done. The 2012 Gender Chart is released as an addendum to the UN Secretary-General’s 2012 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) report.

The Gender Chart, produced biennially by UN Women and the UN Statistics Division for the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Indicators, charts progress towards achievement of MDG 3 on gender equality and women’s empowerment, and also shows progress on gender equality in the achievement of the other seven MDGs.

Despite achievements in girls’ primary school enrollment, UN Women notes, girls, especially poor ones, still are less likely to attend secondary school. It also highlights that some goals, including reducing maternal mortality, are a long way from being achieved. On MDG 3, the Chart shows that men continue to far outnumber women in business ownership and political representation, with women worldwide making up 20% of parliamentarians.

Laura Turquet, UN Women, said achieving gender equality would have an impact on all of the MDGs. [Publication: Gender Chart 2012] [UN Women Press Release]