un-water23 January 2014: UN-Water has released the World Water Day 2014 Advocacy Guide, which aims to communicate information about water and energy, and encourage advocacy and action for improved coordination of water and energy management and governance.

The first part of the guide offers advice for starting an advocacy campaign, such as setting objectives, identifying target audiences, shaping messages and forging partnerships. This section also provides guidance for working with the media and navigating the UN system. In the second section, the guide describes water and energy issues and the water-energy nexus. It also lists key slogans and messages underlining why coordinated water and energy management is important in areas such as economics, governance, consumption and investment. The third section discusses running a campaign on water and energy and includes links to the World Water Day 2014 media kit and other outreach materials.

The guide also encourages information sharing about World Water Day 2014, which will be celebrated worldwide on 22 March under the theme of ‘Water and Energy.’ The Day aims to focus global attention on the importance of water and the sustainable management of water resources. The UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and UN University (UNU) are coordinating the event. [UN-Water Press Release] [Publication: World Water Day 2014 Advocacy Guide] [World Water Day Website]