climate-change-adaptation3 November 2009: On the margins of the UNFCCC talks taking place in Barcelona, Spain, UN-Water presented a key message on Water and Climate Change Adaptation prepared for the 15th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (COP15). The message, titled “Climate change adaptation is mainly about water,” was delivered on 3 November 2009, in conjunction with the Water Day.
The message recalls that water resources and their management impact almost all aspects of society and the economy, and that better water management is a central part of adaptation to climate change. The message lists the principles that should guide policy shifts and significant investments aimed at adapting to increasing climate variability and change through better water management. It then notes that “the sense of urgency for climate change adaptation and the recognition of the centrality of water therein, have not yet permeated the political world and are not systematically reflected in national plans or international investment portfolios for adaptation.” It further calls on the parties to the UNFCCC to recognize the pivotal role of water in adapting to climate change in order to increase resilience and achieve sustainable development. [The message]