17 January 2013: The UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food, Olivier De Schutter, has urged the European Parliament to integrate development policy into amendments to the European Union’s (EU) Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).

De Schutter notes that despite a previous vote to take into account impacts on development, these concerns are not included in the amendments to the CAP that are being voted on over 23-24 January 2013. De Schutter has called upon the EU to monitor the impacts of EU farm imports and exports on developing countries, underscoring that the EU Treaty calls for actions to be guided by human rights, and that the EU Policy Coherence for Development aims to ensure that EU policy supports the fight against poverty. Key elements of the proposed CAP reform include: better targeted income support; tools to address crisis management; green payments for preserving long-term productivity; investment in research and innovation; a competitive and balanced food chain; the encouragement of agro-environmental initiatives; promotion of young farmers; stimulation of rural employment; improved attention to sensitive areas; and a simpler and more efficient CAP. [UN Press Release] [UN Multimedia Release] [CAP Proposals]