19 June 2017: Recent briefings to the UN Security Council (UNSC) on peace-related issues have addressed the importance of coordinated, coherent approaches to peace and development. UN Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) Chair Cho Tae-yul highlighted coherence, transparency and collaboration as key priorities for the Commission’s upcoming session, while the UN Secretary-General’s Chef de Cabinet recommended institutionalized approaches to joint planning and financing for African Union (AU) peace support operations.

Addressing the Council in a briefing on 19 June 2017, Cho, who is the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Korea, underscored the Commission’s role in ensuring coherence among the UN system to promote integrated, coherent and strategic work. He stressed his commitment to engaging relevant actors and exploring “ways to work better together,” including by improving the quality of advice provided to the UN General Assembly (UNGA), the Security Council and the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).

On transparency, Cho said the Commission will explore options to respond in an effective and rapid manner to requests for advice and support, including through new focal points on financing, gender, institution-building, national ownership and youth. He also noted that the Commission is currently integrating a gender strategy into its work programme, with the aims of promoting the gender dimension of peacebuilding, and increasing women’s participation in peacebuilding and sustaining peace. Cho further emphasized partnerships, cooperation with internal and external stakeholders, and collaboration with international financial institutions (IFIs) and regional organizations as crucial to the Commission’s work. Cho concluded by underscoring the interlinkages among peace, development and human rights, and expressing the Commission’s commitment to support peacebuilding and sustain peace.

During a Security Council meeting on 15 June 2017, Maria Luiza Viotti, Chef de Cabinet to UN Secretary-General António Guterres, presented the ‘Report of the Secretary-General on options for authorization and support for AU peace support operations’ (document S/2017/454). The report builds on a previous review of UN-AU cooperation, and addresses capacity building and compliance and oversight, among other issues.

Viotti called for joint planning, mandating, financing and supporting AU peace support operations, saying that, although different situations require different planning, financing and support arrangements, jointly agreed principles and decision-making processes should underpin operations. She stressed that the UN-AU partnership “is, has been and will be the preferred modality” for pursuing peace and security in Africa, pointing to the Joint UN-AU Framework for Enhanced Partnership in Peace and Security.

Discussing the report, participants underscored the need for more predictable, sustainable financing for peace support operations. Donald Kaberuka, AU, stressed that the recently established Peace Fund managed by the AU Commission is not just an African priority but is “for the global public good.” Smail Chergui, AU, said the AU is committed to ensuring transparency and good governance in managing the Peace Fund.

Coordinated approaches to peace and development have the potential to contribute to SDG 16 (peace, justice and strong institutions), which includes targets on effective, accountable and transparent institutions (target 16.6) and responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making (target 16.7). [UN Press Release on PBC Briefing] [UN Summary of PBC Briefing] [UN Summary of AU Meeting] [Chef de Cabinet Statement] [Report of the Secretary-General on options for authorization and support for AU peace support operations]