8 October 2016: The UN Secretariat has committed to taking an “active part in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and of the Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs). According to the Secretariat’s Note (A/71/608), an action plan should be developed as soon as possible “or by 2020, if practicable,” to integrate sustainable development practices into Secretariat-wide operations and facilities management.

The action plan will take the form of an environmental management system to ensure that the Secretariat does not have a negative impact on the climate through its operations or facilities management. The plan should include a schedule of required activities and milestones, the Note says.

UN General Assembly (UNGA) resolution 70/205 of December 2015, on ‘Protection of global climate for present and future generations of humankind,’ requests the UN to avoid having a negative impact on the climate. In addition, the outcome document of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20), ‘The future We Want,’ and UNGA resolution 67/226 on the Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review of Operational Activities for Development of the UN system (QCPR) both call upon the UN system to improve its management of facilities and operations by taking into account sustainable development practices.

Each Secretariat entity will undertake efforts to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and other environmental impacts.

The UN Secretariat’s Note states that each Secretariat entity will undertake efforts to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and other environmental impacts “as far as possible” while meeting their business needs and delivering their mandates. 
The action plan is also tasked with promoting cost effectiveness while maintaining accountability to UN Member States.

On scope, the plan will apply to all operations and facilities management procedures, decisions, activities and practices of the UN Secretariat at Headquarters, at offices away from Headquarters, at the regional commissions and in field operations and missions. Each geographic location of the UN Secretariat, including each special political and peacekeeping mission, will be expected to progressively integrate environmental sustainability practices into its operations and facilities management.

According to the Note, the UN Secretariat will consider employing traditional and innovative but proven approaches to: reduce GHG emissions; make infrastructure enhancements that improve energy efficiency; increase the use of renewable energy sources; use fuel-efficient ground transport; and improve water and waste management practices.

The Note also reports on initiatives undertaken at UN Headquarters on sustainability, including: the sourcing of renewable electrical energy; a management strategy for the reduction of GHG emissions; the replacement of individual printers with centrally managed shared printers to reduce energy, toner and paper use; and an internal communications campaign to raise awareness of environmental issues in the workplace. [Note by the UN Secretariat: Update on progress towards the development of an action plan for integrating sustainable development practices into Secretariat-wide operations and facilities management]