UN-REDD ProgrammeOctober 2014: The UN Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation (UN-REDD) has released summaries of forest-related outcomes from the UN Climate Summit 2014. The reports, which present proceedings of the Forests Plenary and Forests Pavilion held during the Summit, highlight the New York Declaration on Forests, a multi-stakeholder pledge to reduce deforestation and accelerate forest restoration.

According to the ‘Report on the UN Climate Summit Forests Action Area Plenary Session,’ the plenary focused on the urgent need for action to ensure the continued contribution of forests to climate change mitigation and adaptation and to sustainable economic development. The event was co-hosted by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono of Indonesia and Prime Minister Erna Solberg of Norway. The Plenary’s high-level panel called for the inclusion of economic incentives in a climate change deal, referencing the upcoming twentieth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 20) to the UNFCCC to be held in Paris, France in 2015. The panel also reflected on Indonesia’s experience in REDD+, and noted that voluntary commitments to address deforestation and forest degradation should be complimented by concrete government action.

The ‘Report on the UN Climate Summit Forests Pavilion’ shows that both the Pavilion and the Plenary considered the role of the private sector in achieving the commitments set out in the New York Declaration on Forests. Discourse in the Pavilion focused on public-private partnerships, the need for a supportive policy framework for corporate sustainability, and the importance of engaging the financial sector in a sustainable future for forests.

The Pavilion also addressed the role of developed countries in providing incentives for the sustainable management of forests, the policy and legal requirements for a market transformation, and the important role of indigenous peoples and local communities in linking forests and climate change. [Publication: Report on the UN Climate Summit Forests Action Area Plenary Session] [Publication: Report on the UN Climate Summit Forests Pavilion]