UN-REDD Programme21 February 2014: The UN Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation (UN-REDD) has released a case study on using spatial analysis to support REDD+ safeguard and multiple benefit decision making in Tanzania.

The study considers the links between REDD+ and biodiversity, ecosystem services, and land-use planning and supports decision making towards the achievement of Tanzania’s REDD+ Strategy and Action Plan. The study also considers the priorities set out in the national REDD+ safeguards including the development of a safeguard information system (SIS). The publication also focuses on safeguard criterion for protecting natural forests, restoring natural forests, avoiding damage to biodiversity and ecosystem services and maintaining and conserving biodiversity values and ecosystem services.

Outputs from the study include maps outlining priority areas for REDD+ investments as well as potential REDD+ actions in identified areas. Maps feature wildlife corridors, the extent of threatened species, tree species richness, non-timber forest products, and forest benefits for preventing soil erosion. With regard to threats to forests and REDD+, the analysis maps population density, charcoal production, petroleum exploration and fire exposure. [Publication: Using Spatial Information to Support Decisions on Safeguards and Multiple Benefits for REDD+ in Tanzania]