UN-REDD Newsletter - Novermber 201123 November 2011: The November issue of the UN-REDD Newsletter highlights a number of recent activities and reports related to REDD+ (reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries, as well as conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of carbon stocks), and outlines UN-REDD’s planned activities at the Durban Climate Conference.

The newsletter reports on the third meeting of the REDD+ Partnership, which took place alongside the UNFCCC talks in Panama City, Panama, in October 2011, to discuss progress made on the voluntary REDD+ database and the effectiveness of multilateral REDD+ initiatives. Two workshops on REDD+ safeguards and on measuring and monitoring were also held.

On UN-REDD’s planned activities at the Durban Climate Conference, the newsletter highlights side events, Forests Day 5, and the launch of UN-REDD Lessons Learned and Policy Brief series. It also provides updates on national REDD+ implementation in Ecuador, Bangladesh, the Philippines, Viet Nam and Solomon Islands.

The newsletter also features articles on two regional workshops, co-organized by UN-REDD in Nepal and Thailand, on identifying practical recommendations in tackling corruption risks for REDD+, as well as the availability of new resources for stakeholder engagement on UN-REDD’s website. [Publication: UN-REDD Newsletter Issue #24, November 2011]