UNREDD Newsletter24 February 2011: The February 2011 edition of the UN-REDD Programme Newsletter reviews several recent events related to reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries, including conservation, sustainable management and enhancement of carbon stocks (REDD+), including the first five-year Programme Strategy for UN-REDD.

The inaugural five-year Programme Strategy (2011-2015) provides a roadmap for increased support to UN-REDD partner countries. The Newsletter also highlights the launch of the Programme’s new “UN-REDD Report” series, featuring a technical report on agriculture and deforestation. It further features articles on: the Programme’s participation at the recent launch of the International Year of Forests, in New York, US; on the Programme’s recent Africa region workshop on free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) held in Tanzania; on mangrove forests and REDD+; and on California’s cap-and-trade regulations in the context of REDD+ carbon markets. [Publication: UN-REDD February 2011 Newsletter] [Climate Change Policy and Practice Story on the UN REDD Strategy]