unredd2 February 2015: The UN Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (UN-REDD) released the February/March 2015 edition of its newsletter, which focuses on building the capacity of developing countries to design and implement REDD+ programmes.

The newsletter features articles on linking gender and REDD+ in Malawi, achieving deforestation-free agricultural supply chains, and using REDD+ to better define the multiple values of forests. It also welcomes Fiji as a UN-REDD partner country and recalls the recognition of the importance of forests and REDD+ and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference in Lima, Peru, in December 2014.

Other 2014 highlights mentioned in the newsletter include: the preparation of the 2016-2020 UN-REDD Programme Strategy; and the funding contributions by the Governments of Norway and Spain. The newsletter also reports on progress in implementing national programmes, such as through the release of forest governance data in Viet Nam, the assessment of drivers of deforestation in Zambia, and the launch of stakeholder consultation processes in Honduras.

Focusing on capacity building, the newsletter covers REDD+ data and information processes in Brazil, Paraguay, Sri Lanka and Viet Nam, as well as regional events in South Asia and the Pacific. Other capacity building events highlighted in the newsletter focus on safeguard information systems in Cambodia and land use planning in Kenya.

Finally, the newsletter reports on UN-REDD Programme publications on REDD+ and adaptation, legal preparedness, tenure, and jurisdictional approaches and low emissions development. [Publication: The REDD+ Resource – February/March 2015]