UN-REDD Programme12 September 2013: The UN Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (UN-REDD) has issued a call for comments on the draft review of Panama’s national REDD+ programme.

The review was carried out in response to the withdrawal of COONAPIP (the National Coordinating Body of Indigenous Peoples in Panama) from the national REDD+ programme, citing a lack of guarantees for the respect of indigenous rights and the full and effective participation of indigenous peoples. In response to the complaints made by the COONAPIP and with the agreement of the National Environment Authority (ANAM), the UN-REDD Programme proceeded to carry out an exhaustive and independent investigation into the complaints and a mid-term evaluation of the National Joint Programme (NJP). The evaluation was based on a document review, interviews, meetings and comments received on the first draft of the report.

The draft report presents a number of recommendations including the maintenance of suspension of activities with indigenous peoples until agreements are reached and the extension of the national programme until the end of 2014 with adjustments based on unequal progress in implementation.

The draft report also suggests that the National Environment Authority of Panama request support from the UN-REDD global support programme to support the consultation and participation of indigenous peoples to the extent that such consultation and participation is agreed to by indigenous peoples.

The draft report also calls for better communication, structure and capacity building for stakeholder participation, on-going internal consultations and institutional strengthening, and improved modalities for participation. [Publication: Mid-Term Evaluation Report – UN-REDD National Joint Programme in Panama] [IISD RS Story on the Draft Report]