unreddDecember 2014: The UN Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (UN-REDD) released an info brief exploring how REDD+ can achieve synergies between climate change mitigation and adaptation. The brief notes that such synergies are already called for in international processes including the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).

The brief, titled ‘REDD+ and adaptation: Identifying complementary responses to climate change’ highlights examples of ecosystem-based approaches to adaptation (EBA) that can contribute to REDD+ such as the conservation of coastal mangroves, while pointing out that REDD+ activities can support the continued provision of ecosystem services even under changing climate conditions. The brief also notes that building capacity and mobilizing financial resources through REDD+ can produce additional benefits in terms of managing forests for climate change responses and reducing pressures on forests that may be compounded by climate change.

Trade-offs between mitigation and adaptation are, according to the report, likely to occur and, as such, the brief recommends linking the two issues in forest sector planning as well as plans and policies in other related sectors. The brief does note that experiences in linking adaptation and mitigation in REDD+ are limited, and thus calls for the sharing of information and experiences and the development of practical guidelines. [Publication: REDD+ and adaptation: Identifying complementary responses to climate change]