UN-REDD Programme28 June 2013: The tenth meeting of the Policy Board of the UN Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (UN-REDD) considered progress in the implementation of UN-REDD activities, key emerging issues and funding allocation requests.

With regards to emerging issues, the Policy Board considered a draft of the monitoring framework for national level REDD+ support, as well as a concept note on community-based REDD+. The community-based REDD+ discussions were accompanied by an agreement to fund $US 4 million in grants through a joint initiative by UN-REDD and the Global Environment Facility (GEF) small grants programme (SGP). The purpose of the funding is to build the capacity of communities to participate in REDD+ processes.

The Policy Board also approved US$4 million for Colombia’s national REDD+ programme, which was noted for the level of public consultation that occurred during the development of the country’s Readiness Preparation Plan (R-PP).

Finally, the Policy Board considered gender mainstreaming in REDD+, and held extensive discussions on the independent investigation and evaluation of the concerns of the National Coordinating Body of Indigenous Peoples in Panama (COONAPIP). In particular, the report identified potential design problems within the Panama national programme and provide recommendations on steps to improve design and implementation.

The tenth UN-REDD Programme Policy Board meeting took place in Lombok, Indonesia, on 26-27 June 2013. [UN-REDD Press Release] [Meeting Website]