worldcitiesday31 October 2014: The first-ever World Cities Day aimed to promote sustainable urban development, raise awareness about the role of urbanization in everyday lives and celebrate the positive impact that well-managed urbanization can have on environmental, economic and social development. Celebrations took place globally, including at UN Headquarters in New York, US, and in Shanghai, China.

The theme for the inaugural Day, ‘Leading Urban Transformations,’ focused on “empowering people to contribute to creative solutions that can improve our shared urban future” and promoting “ideas to bring about the city we need and the future we want.” The UN Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT) estimates that 5 billion people will live in cities by 2030, increasing pressure on the environment, housing, resources and the environment.

“We must get urbanization right, which means reducing greenhouse emissions, strengthening resilience, ensuring basic services such as water and sanitation and designing safe public streets and spaces for all to share,” said UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. He emphasized liveable cities as critical in achieving sustainable development.

Well-planned and well-managed cities can contribute to positive transformations, said UN-HABITAT Executive Director Joan Clos in his message. He described how a city with optimal density can provide affordable, efficient services to its citizens, and how a robust public transport system can reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, reduce reliance on cars and cut travel times. However, Clos cautioned, if urbanization is not critically re-examined, it will “continue to propagate negative trends, including increased segregation, inequality and environmental degradation.”

Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias, UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Executive Secretary, highlighted the role of cities in the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystem services. He also highlighted the decision by the 12th Conference of the Parties to the CBD (COP 12) on sustainable urbanization, which he said recognizes that biodiversity offers solutions to urbanization challenges.

UN-HABITAT, the UN Alliance of Civilizations and the Permanent Missions of China and Italy organized a special event, ‘People-Centered Urbanization: Managing Social Inclusion in Today’s Cities,’ at UN Headquarters.UN General Assembly (UNGA) President Sam Kutesa highlighted the role of citizens as partners and problem-solvers in sustainable urban development, underscoring the importance of access to health, education, jobs, infrastructure and opportunities for all. He recalled the proposed Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) on making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable, and recommended translating urbanization challenges into opportunities for growth to ensure that “cities and towns are on a productive and inclusive path toward sustainable development.”

As the inaugural host city for the worldwide commemoration, Shanghai hosted a celebration with over 300 participants. UN Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs Wu Hongbo told participants that cities experience stresses related to climate change, environmental degradation, unsustainable consumption and production and social equity. He stressed cities as the “engines of the world economy” and centers of culture, education and scientific and technological innovation, underscoring that the “future battle of sustainable development will be won and lost in cities.”

World Cities Day 2014 marked the conclusion of Urban October, one month of raising awareness, promoting participation, generating knowledge and engaging the international community towards a new urban agenda. [UN Press Release] [UNRIC Press Release] [UN-HABITAT Webpage for Day] [UN-HABITAT Executive Director Statement] [UNGA President Statement] [Under-Secretary-General Statement] [CBD Executive Secretary Statement]