August 2012: A new publication launched by the UN Global Compact highlights the most urgent issues facing the private sector in relation to food security and sustainable agriculture. The report marks a new commitment by the UN Global Compact to contribute to advancing food security and sustainable agriculture.

Titled “Scaling Up: Global Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture,” the report reviews the best emerging practices for inspiring industries toward a more food secure and sustainable future. It profiles five key components of food security and sustainable agriculture, including: sustainable sourcing; improving land and water management; enhancing nutrition; effectively using technology; and reducing commodity price volatility.

Some of the key recommendations of the report include: investing in agricultural productivity, particularly among smallholder farmers; improving the quality of and access to nutritional food; protecting and enhancing the environment while improving agricultural productivity; supporting technological innovation that is applicable and accessible to poor farmers; and reducing commodity price volatility. [Publication: Scaling Up: Global Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture]