21 May 2010: The UN General Assembly met from 20-21 May 2010, to discuss the concept of human security, based on the report of the Secretary-General on the follow-up to the outcome of the Millennium Summit (A/64/701).
The report recalls that the Human Security Network, established in May 1999, focuses on common global challenges, including those pertaining to climate change, and thereby draws special attention to instances of human insecurity around the world. The Secretary-General also underlines the importance of consideration of the scope of human security in formulating policy and operational recommendations, noting that while some are internal, others, such as pandemics, climate change and financial and economic crises, are of a transnational nature. The report contains a section on climate change, which lists the multidimensional impacts of climate change on human security and describes current responses.
During the debate, a number of delegates highlighted the need to understand human security in a broad context and address the common challenges to it, including: climate change; poverty; armed conflict; and the food, energy and financial crises. Many supported the role of the UN in addressing these challenges, while respecting State sovereignty. [Secretary-General Report A/64/701] [UN Press Release]