22 June 2017: During its 35th session, the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) adopted a resolution on ‘Human rights and climate change’ (A/HRC/35/L.32), calling on States to consider human rights within the UNFCCC framework, and to adopt a comprehensive and integrated approach to climate change adaptation and mitigation policies, consistent with the UNFCCC principles and objective, to address the economic, cultural and social challenges associated with climate change, for the full and effective enjoyment of human rights for all.

By the resolution, the Council encourages the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and other relevant UN agencies to provide technical assistance to States in promoting and protecting human rights when taking action to address the adverse impacts of climate change. It also: calls on States to enhance international cooperation and assistance on adaptation measures to help vulnerable developing countries and persons in vulnerable situations, including climate migrants; and decides to incorporate into the UNHRC programme of work an intersessional panel discussion themed ‘Human rights, climate change, migrants and persons displaced across international borders.’

Originally proposed for adoption by Bangladesh, Philippines and Viet Nam, the resolution also garnered support from the US, thus receiving global consensus.

Originally proposed for adoption by Bangladesh, Philippines and Viet Nam, the resolution also garnered support from the US, thus receiving global consensus. The resolution contributes to the implementation of SDG 13 (climate action) and SDG 10 (reduced inequalities), which includes target 10.7, to “facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people, including through the implementation of planned and well-managed migration policies.”

The HRC’s 35th session convened in Geneva, Switzerland, from 6-23 June 2017. [IISD Sources] [UNHRC 35th Session Webpage] [Climate Home News] [SDG Knowledge Hub Story on UNHRC Discussion of Child Rights-based Approach to Climate Action]