26 June 2018: Uganda has signed the first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Partnership Plan in Africa to advance efforts to deliver on the SDGs and on commitments made under the Paris Agreement on climate change. The ‘Uganda NDC Partnership Plan’ lists five priority areas identified by the government for implementing its NDC, and begins to connect those priorities to partner and programme resources from the NDC Partnership and its network.

Signed on 26 June 2018 in Kampala, Uganda, the Plan focuses on creating an enabling environment for NDC implementation, effective coordination and prioritization, and monitoring and reporting on climate actions. Uganda’s NDC emphasizes adaptation actions, and the commitment to reduce emissions by 22% by 2030 relative to a business-as-usual scenario through actions related to energy, forestry and wetlands. The Plan takes these efforts a step further by establishing a timeline to achieve several NDC actions sooner than initially indicated, and detailing plans to mainstream climate resilience across sectors, and develop robust early warning and monitoring systems by 2020.

The five priority areas identified in the Plan are: strengthened operational and gender-responsive policy and institutional frameworks for effective climate governance; increased climate financing; effective and institutionalized measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) systems to monitor emissions and gender-responsive adaptation measures; strengthened capacity of stakeholders to integrate NDC and SDG commitments with a gender perspective into programmes; and accelerated project financing for NDC implementation.

Uganda’s NDC Partnership Plan establishes a timeline to achieve several NDC actions sooner than initially indicated.

To achieve these priorities, the plan identifies 49 activities for the next three years, including: enacting a legal framework for climate action; developing a pipeline of investment-ready projects for funding; establishing and strengthening climate funding mechanisms; modeling national temperature, precipitation and extreme event scenarios; and developing a national greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory system.

A number of implementing partners have already pledged support for the Plan, including Sweden, which convened, with the Ugandan Ministry of Water and Environment and the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), a meeting on progress made in implementing Uganda’s NDC. The meeting, which was held in Kampala on 19 June, highlighted the connection between climate and development, and between Uganda’s NDC and the SDGs.

The NDC Partnership, launched in November 2016, is a coalition of countries and institutions committed to advancing ambitious climate and development action. It supports more than 30 developing countries to enhance and implement their NDCs through technical assistance, capacity building, knowledge sharing and facilitating access to finance. Uganda was one of the first African countries to join the NDC Partnership. [NDC Partnership News Story] [Partnership Plan Signing Event] [SDG Knowledge Hub Story on Establishment of Africa’s First NDC Partnership Plan in Uganda]