Itto1 October 2014: The International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) launched the 16-30 September issue of the Tropical Timber Market (TTM) Report highlighting a drop in imported timber prices in China due to supply, which sits at about 5 million cubic meters, exceeding domestic demand.

The report also takes note of projections that the Chinese bamboo industry is expected to be valued at US$48 billion by 2020, while efforts to strengthen the housing market in China continue through increased access to home loans.

Other headlines feature a 9% increase in timber exports from Ghana, while in Japan, a drop in household spending tied to increases in consumer tax rates is impacting markets.

In the EU, the report notes that the EU Energy Efficiency Directive, combined with economic growth are increasing demand for the joinery sector while in the UK, a strong construction sector is driving increased demand. With regard to forest certification, the report announces that the Malaysian Timber Certification Scheme has been endorsed for a further five years, while in the area of market development, the ORCHESTRA BRAZIL project is promoting furniture exports the US.

In addition to the headline stories, the report contains tropical timber market reports from Brazil, China, Ghana, Guyana, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar and Peru. The report further recounts regional tropical timber market statistics from Central and West Africa, Europe and North America.

The TTM published through the ITTO Market Information Service (MIS) requires free registration to access the reports. [Publication: Tropical Timber Market Report – Issue 18 Number 18]