28 August 2010: Participants at the Third Japan-China High-level Economic Dialogue, which took place in Beijing, China, on 28 August 2010, discussed: the green economy; cooperation in the forestry, agriculture and fisheries sectors; and the international climate change negotiations.

On the green economy,
the two sides reaffirmed their commitment to enhancing their cooperation in the areas of energy conservation and environmental protection. They also agreed to proactively promote cooperation on energy conservation and the environment, including cooperation on model projects in the areas of green economy and low-carbon technology.
They positively assessed progress made in advancing their cooperation, including on a co-benefit approach simultaneously addressing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and environmental pollution.

On global cooperation regarding climate change, they engaged in a constructive exchange of views towards the success of the Cancun Climate Change Conference in late 2010. They also signed a memorandum between governments and agencies in the areas of the environment and energy conservation. The Fourth Japan-China High-Level Economic Dialogue will be held in 2011, in Tokyo, Japan. [Japan Press Release]