UNFCCC11 September 2015: During the 11th meeting of the Technology Executive Committee (TEC 11) of the UNFCCC, experts identified policies and guidance to help developing countries identify their technology needs and implement climate change mitigation and adaptation solutions. The week-long meeting also addressed climate technology finance and highlighted innovative clean technologies.

TEC 11, which took place from 7-11 September 2015, in Bonn, Germany, partially focused on improving Technology Needs Assessments (TNAs), with experts considering a paper on good practice. Particular emphasis was placed on enhancing the implementation of the TNAs’ results. Another paper informed the TEC on national systems of innovation and guided work on enabling environments and barriers.

In addition, the meeting featured innovative mitigation technologies, such as a clean energy project in Kenya that reduced the emissions of a tea factory, diverted waste and decreased deforestation by introducing cheaper, greener fuel in the form of briquettes made from biomass byproducts. Participants also discussed distributed renewable electricity technologies and prepared for a thematic dialogue on enablers and barriers to South-South cooperation on technologies for adaptation.

TEC members also heard an update from the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) and discussed the joint report from the TEC and CTCN to the Conference of the Parties. [UNFCCC Press Release] [TEC Meeting Webpage] [Meeting Agenda]