The Council of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement) met from 29-30 October 2008, in Geneva, Switzerland.

Discussions focused on a register for geographical indications and a possible amendment of the TRIPS Agreement to require disclosure of origin of genetic resources in patent applications. India argued that amendments to the TRIPS Agreement are necessary to remedy the “inadequacy in the TRIPS Agreement to combat biopiracy and misappropriation of genetic resources and traditional knowledge.” India further expressed disappointment at the lack of progress on this issue, despite overwhelming support and technical work. Approximately 80 countries, over half of World Trade Organization member states, support amendment of the TRIPS Agreement to protect biodiversity and traditional knowledge better. During the meeting, Sri Lanka became an official co-sponsor of a 2006 document calling for mandatory disclosure of origin of genetic resources and traditional knowledge in patent applications, and evidence of prior informed consent and benefit-sharing.
Link to further information
IP Watch, 31 October 2008