10 July 2012: Taiwan has announced it will contribute $2 million as part of its continuing commitment to Central American cooperation on disaster risk reduction (DRR).

The announcement was made by Taiwan Ambassador Adolfo Sun on 10 July 2012, in Guatemala City. Omar Orozco, Director of International Coordination, Central American Integration System (SICA) General Secretariat, welcomed the contribution as a clear demonstration of Taiwan’s interest in helping Central America confront its most difficult problems, such as disaster management and climate change.

The funds are for the project “Central American Policy on Integrated Disaster Risk: Toward Reducing the Impact of Disasters and its Contribution to Secure and Sustainable Development” to be coordinated administratively and technically by SICA’a Coordination Center for the Prevention of Natural Disasters in Central America (CEPREDENAC). The project replaces and builds on a 2010-2012 project “Strengthening National and Regional Communications and Information Management Platforms, in the Framework of Integrated Disaster Risk Management.”

The project will aid implementation in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama of the Central American Policy for the Integrated Management of Disaster Risk Reduction (PCGIR) adopted by the SICA Heads of State and Government in June 2010, including the integration of gender and multicultural perspectives into its implementation. [CEPREDENAC Press Release (in Spanish)]