19 June 2012: The Sustainable Development Dialogue Days took place in Rio de Janerio, Brazil, in the context of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD or Rio+20) from 16-19 June 2012. The forum for civil society, organized by the Government of Brazil, with the support of the UN Development Programme (UNDP) brought together approximately 1,300 representatives from civil society, including the private sector, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the scientific community, among other major groups to engage in open and action-oriented debate on themes related to sustainable development.

The Dialogues initiative was launched through a digital platform to provide the public a democratic space for discussion. Sessions took place on ten recommendations that had emanated from a public online vote, and provided a platform for refining these and proposing additional recommendations. The objective of each session was to produce three final recommendations to be delivered to the Heads of State and Government: one derived from the top recommendation from the online vote; one from the in-session vote from the audience; and one reflecting the panelists’ preferred recommendation.

During the four-day event, participants convened in sessions in the morning, afternoon and evening. The format for the sessions was a panel presentation and discussion, followed by a question and answer session. Participants then voted for their preferred recommendation. On Saturday participants addressed: Unemployment, Decent Work and Migration; Sustainable Development as an Answer to the Economic and Financial Crises; and Sustainable Development for Fighting Poverty. On Sunday, the dialogues focused on: the Economics of Sustainable Development, including Sustainable Patterns of Production and Consumption; Forests; and Food and Nutrition Security. On Monday, participants addressed: Sustainable Energy for All; Water; and Sustainable Cities and Innovation. The dialogues concluded on Tuesday after considering Oceans in the morning session. [IISD RS Coverage of the Sustainable Development Dialogue Days]