under2mou20 May 2015: A group of 12 subnational governments, representing more than US$4.5 trillion in GDP and 100 million people, have signed the ‘Under2 MOU,’ a commitment to take leadership on climate action at the relevant levels of jurisdiction. The 12 signatories include: California, Oregon, Vermont and Washington, in the US; Acre, Brazil; Baden-Württemberg, Germany; Baja California and Jalisco in Mexico; Catalonia, Spain; Ontario and British Columbia in Canada; and Wales, UK.

The agreement identifies action being taken and promotes even greater ambition on climate change than is under consideration in the international climate change negotiation process, and provides a template for countries to follow in the lead up to the 21st session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 21) to the UNFCCC in December 2015.

Each signatory commits to limit its emissions by 80-95% below 1990 levels or achieve a per capita annual emission target of less than two metric tons by 2050, which is the level needed to limit temperature rise to below 2°C by the end of this century. These targets will enable each individual government to tailor emission reduction plans to fit regional needs. Other governments have already indicated an interest in signing onto the agreement in the coming months.

The initiative aims to enhance cooperation to achieve these goals through a range of activities, including: developing mid-term targets needed to support long-term reduction goals; sharing technology, scientific research and best practices to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy; collaborating to expand the use of zero-emission vehicles; taking steps to ensure consistent monitoring and reporting of emissions; improving air quality by reducing short-lived climate pollutants, such as black carbon and methane; and assessing the projected impacts of climate change on communities.

Rhône-Alpes Regional Council President Jean-Jack Queyranne said his region will sign the MoU during the World Summit Climate and Territories, taking place in Lyon, France, from 1-2 July 2015. The Summit will bring together subnational governments and international networks represented in the UN Major Groups to make commitments and put forward proposals for COP 21.

Speaking on the occasion of the Under2 MOU, World Bank Group Vice President and Special Envoy for Climate Change Rachel Kyte pointed to local and sub-national governments as critical innovators in combating climate change, noting that their record of building up solutions, from carbon pricing to electric vehicle roll-out to green buildings. She said national governments should follow their “excellent model.”

Climate Group CEO Mark Kenber indicated that his organization is working with this initiative through its States & Regions Alliance, in order to replicate best practices, measure impact and support governments.

The signing took place in California, US. In April, California Governor Jerry Brown signed an executive order to reduce emissions in California by 40% below 1990 levels by 2030, the most ambitious target in North America. In his inaugural address in January, he announced that within 15 years, inter alia, 50% of California’s electricity will be derived from renewable sources and petroleum use in cars and trucks will decrease by 50%. [UNFCCC Press Release] [State of California Press Release] [Under2 MOU Press Release] [MOU Text]